• mozz
    7625 days ago

    A lot of quintessentially American things are anti-American

    “Born in the USA,” Bruce Springsteen in general, “Rambo,” Mark Twain, “Monopoly,” MTV, et cetera

    The arc goes:

    • US system is bullshit
    • Someone points it out in an artistic work
    • People love it and the thing they made gets popular
    • System goes “hey we love that you’re buying this please do it more” and promotes it under a guise of it not being directed squarely at them, with some skillful edits
    • Thing gets even more popular with more exposure, in its edited (backwards) form, to the point that the original is often semi-forgotten

    Being against the bullshit is an American trait. Unfortunately, the bullshit has become more powerful than the against, hence all these problems we have now.

    • @[email protected]
      8225 days ago

      Rambo: First Blood was a critique of a system that has failed its war veterans. The sequels abandoned all that 70s new-cinema moral ambiguity, making Rambo into a Reagan-era anticommunist superhero, a sort of James Bond for people who are suspicious of subtlety.

      • 🧟‍♂️ Cadaver
        3725 days ago

        The same goes for Karate Kid…

        I loved how it portreyed Miyagi as a sad man who lost wife and child to the internment camps, while he was serving the US and his medal is a bitter reminder of that fact.

        In Cobra Kai is was “War Medal fuck yeah ! Miyagi best veteran, we must protect the patriotic legacy !”

        • @[email protected]
          2125 days ago

          Then in the remakes, they replaced him with Mr. Han (as in Han Chinese), for the same reason why superhero films have scenes set in Shenzhen: because if you don’t angle for a piece of the Chinese market, you’re failing in your fiduciary duty to your shareholders.

    • @[email protected]
      2425 days ago

      This Land is Your Land is also not the patriotic song people think it is. At least, not in the way people think it is.

      • @[email protected]
        2825 days ago

        There was a big high wall there that tried to stop me; Sign was painted, it said private property; But on the back side it didn’t say nothing; This land was made for you and me.

      • @[email protected]
        1225 days ago

        This land is my land
        This land ain’t your land
        I got a shotgun
        And you ain’t got one

        If you don’t get off
        I’ll blow your head off
        This land was made for only me

        • @[email protected]
          425 days ago

          I don’t think Woody Guthrie cared about the copyright. You go ahead and play that song as much as you want. :-)

    • @[email protected]
      1525 days ago

      I noticed that a large number of children’s shows, especially Christmas shows, are about evil corporations trying to take over and ruin something or pollute the world. These shows are then shown by evil media corporations which show commercials by other evil corporations.

    • @[email protected]
      825 days ago

      What happens is the first part of the artistic work is setting up the propaganda and lies that the protagonist is raised into, which the conservatives love and see as validating.

      Then the conservatives either stop reading or otherwise fail to see the part of the tale where the hero gets abandoned and harmed by those he thought he was working with/for.

    • @mindbleach
      225 days ago

      Jonas Čeika has a video essay on Adorno’s critique of television… via the Emoji Movie. Adorno argues that any system worth hand-waving as “the system” cannot comprehend anything besides reinforcement of that system. Even direct populist rebellion simply gets treated as another valid path to a predefined outcome within that system. And that works. These power structures are resilient and effective. That’s how they slimed over everything to begin with.

      • mozz
        925 days ago

        Not really “anti American” but not completely establishment friendly. They had Rock the Vote, Beavis and Butthead, Monty Python including the nudity, Jon Stewart got his start there, they had Liquid TV and weird nonsense on the air, at a time when most TV was pure Tom Brokaw and all why bombing Iranians is cool all the time.

        Compared to now, it looks super establishment friendly, but for the landscape of television at the time it was pretty anarchistic. Now it is the narrative of course. 😕