• @[email protected]
        20 days ago

        I am a well educated person who uses these forums and many others with regularity and I have many opinions on tech after working in both marketing and the tech sector for a long time.

        That out of the way, I will simply skip over any comment that says “normies” unironically. Especially over and over.

        This isn’t fucking 4chan, communicate like a human like the rest of us. You don’t get out of being one of us. I don’t even know your take because it’s so distracting and immature and condescending.

          • @[email protected]
            220 days ago

            What does the word “normie”, which is a derivative of “normal”, have to do with incels, who are a subculture of unlikable people calling themselves “involuntarily celibate” (which can’t be true if there are at least two incels near each other)?

            • @[email protected]
              219 days ago

              It doesn’t matter where it came from, if you’re steeped in this kind of language it’s a massive signpost that you’ve handicapped your own intellectual abilities in a profound way. Healthy, normal people with regulated feelings and stable perspectives grounded in reality do not frequent the communities that use this kind of language.

              It’s a red flag that will always make the outside world laugh and reject what you have to say, and if your instinct is to retreat back into the places that use this language, you are going to absolutely SUFFER in life, this is a warning coming from a place of compassion, you HAVE to believe me.

              • @[email protected]
                119 days ago

                I use all kinds of language when it fits my meaning.

                I don’t think anything of what you said makes sense in this situation.

                • @[email protected]
                  117 days ago

                  Do you honestly think your choice of words in this post led to you being heard and understood? Or do you think that everyone is just being mean bullies? THiiiiiiink hard about this one.

        • @[email protected]
          220 days ago

          My unasked for opinion on the word “normies” - there are some real weirdies out there that got wires crossed and they sure don’t revel in their undesired uniqueness. People who can’t sleep for more than 5 minutes spans (she exists), folks sexually attracted to shoe horns, bros who can’t feel pain and burn their hands touching the stove. Be happy most everything ended up where it should and working reasonably well - it’s not a badge of honor to be an anamoulos fringe anything. I imagine it is painful and assume very lonely. Also there is nothing more fucking pedestrian than feeling uniquely misunderstood and alone. THAT is some normie shit.

      • @FlorianSimon
        1020 days ago

        Superiority complex much? I agree that the decisions are bad, but I wouldn’t be so quick to blame it on “normies”. Some of the people calling the shots are techies or ex-techies and they’re just as stupid as the normies you decry in your logorrhea.

        I don’t think it’s sane to consider yourself more intelligent than the rest of the world. We may be smarter than your average joe (citation needed), but not everyone working in the tech industry is a genius or even smart. We just have an area of expertise, like artists, doctors, plumbers, carpenters… And that is valuable in the modern world. That’s already reason enough to be proud about what we do, there’s no need for arrogance.

      • Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod
        520 days ago

        As one of those weird autists who make computing too hard who’s been using Apple products for decades I really wonder where I fit in.

        • @FlorianSimon
          920 days ago

          The answer is pretty simple. You are a “normie” with your own particularities, like every other human on this planet.

          Don’t fall into the trap of thinking like the idiot you’re replying to that we are smarter than everybody else. In many cases, the dumb-dumbs calling the (stupid) shots are from within our ranks, or used to be techies, and that doesn’t make them immune to errors. The arrogance in the person you’re replying to is unwarranted, and they’re just plain wrong.

          We’re not the chosen ones - we’re just as special as everybody else.

          • Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod
            420 days ago

            Oh, I have no illusions that I’m smarter than other people at their chosen profession. Hell, I’m an idiot at my chosen profession quite often.

            Though I do wish people would stop calling me a “miracle worker” and “wizard” because I can get the wifi working.

        • @[email protected]
          -120 days ago

          As someone tired of this shit you fit in just fine, I’m only approaching that stage but can clearly feel it.

      • @[email protected]
        219 days ago

        I stopped at “normies”. Lose the ego and grow up if you want people to listen to your opinions.

        • @[email protected]
          -119 days ago

          I stopped at “normies”.

          There’s text after that sentence.

          Lose the ego and grow up if you want people to listen to your opinions.

          Not in your case, no