Asking to leave work on time or taking some time off can be tricky enough. Even trickier is tendering a resignation, which can be seen as the ultimate form of disrespect in the world’s fourth-biggest economy, where workers traditionally stick with one employer for decades, if not for a lifetime.

In the most extreme cases, grumpy bosses rip up resignation letters and harass employees to force them to stay.

Yuki Watanabe was unhappy at her previous job, saying her former supervisor often ignored her, making her feel bad. But she didn’t dare resign.

“I didn’t want my ex-employer to deny my resignation and keep me working for longer,” she told CNN during a recent interview.

  • @themoonisacheese
    1912 days ago

    … We do. I’d definitely resign from a place that expects me to spend 12 hours at work, and it’s illegal for the company for you to do too much overtime (the limit it 35 hours per year, doublable once if the employee asks the local authority in writing)

    • @[email protected]
      1312 days ago

      I really, truly love how little crap the French people will accept from their government and employers. Y’all do it right.