Disney+ finally profitable but not making as much per subscriber as competition.

  • @conciselyverbose
    1310 days ago

    They make whatever number per subscriber they want to claim they do. They can license their shows at whatever price they want.

    • @[email protected]
      1210 days ago

      No, they can’t. I’m not saying they aren’t full of shit but they have to look at how much they could get from Netflix/Apple or whoever and calculate the opportunity cost of licensing vs running their own service. They’ll want to factor in control, branding, etc., etc.

      They’re greedy fuckers trying to maximize their bloodsucking…errr…profits.

      When they hit a subscription price that loses enough subscribers to make licensing appealing they’ll either lower the price or license the content.

      As long as people will pay enough to make running their own service the most profitable option, that’s what they’ll do. And they’ll squeeze subscribers to their breaking point.

      • @conciselyverbose
        10 days ago

        Running their own service is way more profitable, which is why they own multiple with different brands.

        They’re not negotiating deals at arms length. They’re choosing their pricing for the sole purpose of fitting whatever narrative they want.