“if you are still on Twitter X, run, grab your stuff and run…run fast, run hard, run for the Mastodon app!”

  • Aure Free Press

A recent Elon Musk post…

“women and low T men” are not able to think freely because they “can’t defend themselves physically”. The only people who can think freely are “high T alpha males and aneurotypical people … this is why a Republic of high status males is best for decision making."
#AureFreePress #Musk #Fediverse #socialmedia


  • RevPudDudley
    212 days ago

    @[email protected]
    Standing next to the punk & bitch of all time …Still waiting for those physical combats with Zuckerboy & el Gordo Maduro
    Who’ll be weeping on the floor first ? Gee, I don’t care