• @[email protected]
    4510 days ago

    If the left were even a fraction as organized as claimed, Bernie would have blown the primary out in 2016 and ridden into the whitehouse with solid majorities in both houses.

    It honestly roils me how impotent the left is, because an active organized left could grab this country by the balls and drag it into a whole new era, but all we have is a million headed hydra with each neck pulling in a different direction because nobody can get over themselves for long enough to fall in line behind a common objective.

    • @[email protected]
      1610 days ago

      Yeah, a lot of the stuff that the “Left” fails on seems to be because it hits “well it’s not exactly perfect and good for absolutely anybody do we’re not gonna do it”

      Whereas the “Right” is basically ‘well it came from my guy so… seems good’

      • @[email protected]
        19 days ago

        I think we’re also over-estimating the strength of the left in the US. I think a century of propaganda and witch hunts is still weighing on the prospects of anything overly pro-labor making it to the mainstream.

        • @[email protected]
          49 days ago

          That’s still working class. It isn’t wealth it is life. Wealthy people have time, working folk don’t. Can’t educate or organize the same and certainly don’t have financial capacity to act.

          Many middle class folk do not have friends, a place to entertain or amass others or time.

          Not saying impossible just that is why I think we have issues there, the progressive folks are busy holding society together. Too busy to organize.

    • @[email protected]
      09 days ago

      The Democratic party is still controlled by the rich just like the GOP. Different rich people, possibly with better morals, but they’re still protecting their financial interests even when it isn’t beneficial to the progressive policies they claim to support. So it wasn’t “the Left” that ended up letting Trump win and fucked us for generations with a corrupt SCOTUS but the rich donors controlling the Democratic party.

      • @[email protected]
        29 days ago

        Yeah because all those people that had zero turnout energy during the primary were actually paid off by the rich. That’s why they didn’t vote in the primary!

        Fuck right off with this DNC conspiracy bullshit. Progressives owe their cause turning out, you don’t get to blame everyone else for not doing the revolution for you while you’re sitting on the couch instead of doing the literal barest minimum to actually materially support what you claim you believe in.

        Fuck your words. Give the cause your actions, or can your empty platitudes about how it’s everyone else’s fault your side refused to vote.