cross-posted from:

[interview with Dr. Hassan Abdel Salam, from Abandon Harris movement]

Ann Garrison, BAR Contributing Editor 04 Sep 2024

  • @[email protected]
    09 days ago

    Saying Israel should be able to defend itself is not the same as allowing Israel to offensively commit genocide. Two different things.

    Harris supports the former, not the latter. Bibi wants the latter, not the former.

    • @[email protected]
      9 days ago


      She’s doing exactly what I said above…

      Giving/promising to give him weapons and support to use for “not genocide” while he continues to do the genocide using those weapons and support…

      You: wow look how anti-genocide Kamala is! She keeps asking Hitler to stop doing genocide! While directly helping him do genocide and even vowing to defend him from others who would stop him! It’s the fact she asks him to stop that matters not the enabling!

      Edit: if you’ll care to notice…she doesn’t call it a genocide. She calls it a war. A war which she blames Hamas for starting…therefore she tries to paint the genocide as falling under a “war of defense” just like Netanyahu and Israel do and exactly what she is promising to allow/help Israel with…

      I told him that I will always ensure that Israel is able to defend itself, including from Iran and Iran-backed militias, such as Hamas and Hezbollah.

      Hamas is a brutal terrorist organization. On October 7, Hamas triggered this war when it massacred 1,200 innocent people, including 44 Americans.

      I will always stand up for Israel’s right to defend itself, and I will always ensure Israel has the ability to defend itself, because the people of Israel must never again face the horror that a terrorist organization called Hamas caused on Oct. 7,…