In the absence of these important policy proposals, there is evidently some apprehension among Canadians. Half (46%) say they are “fearful” of the CPC forming government, while fewer (35%) anticipate it with hope. A majority (54%) suspect Poilievre and the CPC have a “hidden agenda” that won’t be revealed until after the party wins the elections.

There is also some doubt that a Poilievre-led government can balance the budget and lower income taxes as promised, even if most view them to be “good things”. More than two-in-five (45%) say neither will happen.

  • @[email protected]
    81 day ago

    The majority of people want a balanced budget, more spending on NATO defence, more spending on prisons, no less spending on public jobs or publicly funded institutions, but also want to pay less taxes.

    • John
      41 day ago

      enjoy the recessions that come with balanced budgets and surpluses… everyone will be sending in extra taxes to balance that budget.

    • @[email protected]
      51 day ago

      This is why the majority of people will never be happy.

      One cannot balance a budget with increased spending, lower taxes, and no reductions in spending. But one will tell you they can in order to grab power and that one shouldn’t be listened to because that one is likely attempting to create a dictatorship.

    • @[email protected]
      21 day ago

      When was the last time a federal government managed to balance a budget? Trudeau-the-elder landed a smallish surplus once, back in the late 1970s, I think. I’m not aware of anyone having pulled it off since.