• @RmDebArc_5
    61 day ago

    To my knowledge there are no browsers that have anything similar to brave built in. Ublock simply is incredibly well made (that’s what braves adblocker is based on), so I would always try to use that. Gnome web has in my experience the best built in Adblock except brave (fine for everything but YouTube). AFAIK Firefox forks can change what the built in content filter blocks, at least on librewolf some ads were missing even with ublock disabled.

    • shrugs
      524 hours ago

      Give it two more years and brave will stop backporting manifestv2, then you have even less options to avoid google deciding which content needs to be shoved in your face.

      I’m using Firefox since forever. In the past I have checked a few times if a swap to chromium is worth it. It never was.

      I really don’t understand people that prefer Google over Mozilla. Firefox works like a charm and Google already knows enough about us IMHO.