“With membership at new lows and no electoral wins to their name, it’s time for the Greens to ditch the malignant narcissist who’s presided over its decline.”

  • @[email protected]
    17 hours ago

    I see a lot of anti Stein rhetoric lately I understand the push to not let her drag the ticket from Kamala but I wonder how much is true and how much is news trying to sway my opinion

    edit; Imagine asking a reasonable question in 2024 lol

    • @[email protected]
      281 day ago

      Note that I went to her own platform page and that was enough for me to be a hard pass even if I went worried about Trump and even I never heard anything from anyone about her.

      The deal breakers for me were:

      • Disband NATO.
      • Stop material support of Ukraine

      There’s a bit more I find to be problematic, but those are sufficient.

    • Billiam
      591 day ago

      You’re seeing anti-Stein rhetoric lately because it’s a Presidential election year and that’s the only time the Green party tries to be visible.

      I’m sure the two or three Green people at the local level believe in the party’s stated platform, but at the higher level it absolutely looks like the party exists only to siphon votes away from the Democratic party.

    • @[email protected]
      631 day ago

      Stein has been a known Russian asset and Democratic spoiler candidate for about a decade now, being “Green” has never actually had anything to do with her political goals.

    • geekwithsoulOP
      441 day ago

      I would suggest you do your own research, but she’s run several times, has no real experience or qualifications, and has been shown multiple times to be benefiting (either knowingly or unknowingly) from both GOP operatives and Russian interference.

      Personally I fully support third parties - if they do more than just show up as spoilers every four years. Jill Stein has been doing zilch to push the Green Party forward except in presidential election years. And as a result she’s doing more harm to folks who want more options than not.

    • @[email protected]
      431 day ago

      How much do you hear about the Green Party OTHER than the presidential election? That should tell you quite a bit.

    • @zarkanian
      -261 day ago

      It’s because she’s strong on issues that Harris is weak on…especially the ongoing genocide in Gaza. Stein agrees with the majority of the Democrats: we should quit funding the genocide. Harris wants to continue funding it.