• @[email protected]
      41 day ago

      No it doesn’t because Netanyahu isn’t going to leave. He’s said all of this publicly. He wants to keep troops in Gaza. So someone is going to take a shot at them and he’s going to over react again. Occupation is still war.

      These are the same guys that maintained a blockade, prevented the winner of an election from taking office, and routinely bombed civil infrastructure. All acts of war. And they’re telling you they don’t consider this to be over until they say it’s over. Ask the American Indians how surrendering goes. Ask the Irish. There’s a reason other historically oppressed groups, including Jews abroad, are standing with Palestine even after October 7th.

      • @Maggoty

        Hamas rejects the existence of Israel, refusing even to call it by its name, instead slurring it as the “Zionist state”, just like its Iranian backers do. It manifests this rejection through terrorism.

        Fuck Bibi, but anyone is his seat is going to react to the 10/7 massacre with war. This is what Hamas wanted. They don’t get to complain about getting what they wanted.

        They killed their own people with this provocation.

        • @[email protected]
          21 day ago

          Zionism is literally the name of the ideology. That’s as much of a slur as calling an American a Capitalist.

          And no. This isn’t just a war. This isn’t simply a reaction. Nothing justifies what they’re doing. The common person in Palestine didn’t ask for anything except for Israel to take its boot off their neck.

          • Truth Sandwich 🥪🇺🇸😷
            -123 hours ago


            No, that’s a lie. Iran and its “Axis of Resistance” reject the existence of Israel, so they refuse to use its name, instead calling it the “Zionist state” as a slur.

            Do not lie to me, and do not make excuses for antisemitism.

            • @[email protected]
              08 hours ago

              You can look it up, it’s really not any different than calling the US “the capitalist state”. In the first few years Israel officially adopted Zionism. Trying to make it sound like a slur against them is part of decades of propaganda to make Israel look like the victim while it pursues a project of colonialism no different than the British Empire at its worst.

              • @Maggoty

                This is a lie.

                Iran and its pawns refuse to call Israel “Israel”, using “Zionist state” as a slur. It would be like the USSR saying America doesn’t exist and only calling it the “capitalist state”.

                The Palestinian claim to the area is rooted in their own colonialism; learn some history.

                • @[email protected]
                  16 hours ago

                  They’ve been there for thousands of years. Nobody gives a shit what happened thousands of years ago.

                  And the “doesn’t exist” thing makes no sense. Why would you shoot at something that doesn’t exist? Of course they know Israel exists. They don’t recognize it’s legitimacy.

                  Finally, repeating something doesn’t make it any more true. In fact repeating things that aren’t true is a propaganda technique to stick it in people’s heads.

                  • @Maggoty

                    Yeah, and the Jews were there before that. Welcome to history, where the people owning a land can change.

                    Fact is, Israel was formed on top of land owned by the Ottoman Empire, not the Palestinians. Britain won it as spoils of war, just like the Palestinians did long ago. Then the Palestinians went to war and lost again. It’s just not their land anymore.

                    If war is a legitimate way to gain land, then Israel legitimately exists and it legitimately owns Palestine.
