Please keep it civil.

  • @Kerfuffle
    11 year ago

    I’m a bit confused by how you seem to think I’d be surprised to find that an unbalanced situation that is set to some configuration will tend to return to its equilibrium. The real situation is so complex that we can’t even definitely say exactly where the equilibrium is though. Real people aren’t one dimensional, so one person maybe less intelligent but more dedicated.

    It’s also possible to go too far trying to make things balanced. Kurt Vonnegut wrote a story called Harrison Bergeron that you might enjoy:

    We can at least try to make sure people meet their basic needs like food, water, health care and have access to education and information.

    • @Shihali
      11 year ago

      I read Harrison Bergeron in school. That’s what would be needed for full equality of opportunity, if you think about it.

      I agree that we (if we’re in similar countries) can do a much better job than we do on meeting basic needs.