What are some of your favourite tools (types of tools , brands, specific tools) or equipment for use around the homestead?

I am a fan of Stihl. I have a MS261 chainsaw and FS131 weed Wacker. Thinking of picking up one of their little battery pruners, the GTA26

Other recent acquisitions include a MUT utility trailer for our ATV and a John Deere zero turn.

Super handy but more expensive: a SCUT (sub compact utility tractor). We have a Massey Ferguson GC with a Sims cab and variety of attachments (MF blower, Woods rotary cutter, etc)

  • 🌞 Arlo
    2 年前

    I’m a huge fan of my electric chainsaw. It uses the same batteries as my snowblower so I’ve got enough juice to do just about anything and don’t have to mess around with starting and stopping all the time on bigger projects.

    Never had any problems with my Kubota tractor, 10 seasons in. Just replaced all of the bucket hydraulic hoses, which cost a small fortune but that’s been the biggest maintenance. Also got a Howse bush hog that’s probably 15 yrs old and beat to hell, but gets the job done year after year. Don’t think they make them anymore, though.