The more I use lemmy, the more it begins to just feel like all the same problems reddit had. It has the same problems with major communities having far left moderation standards that only apply to the right, the same hive mind users that just spam the same tired out leftist talking points over and over while refusing anything close to an actual discussion.

The only upsides are that downvotes aren’t used to punish you site wide, and the handful of non-leftist instances that exist, though they always end up defederated by all the major instances, effectively making them poor spaces for general discussion.

So what are your thoughts? Is this just the “more like under new management” from megamind? Is there hope for it to become a decent platform for everyone, not just the left?

Edit: yeah, it’s just as bad. Fuck the retarded admins and fuck the left

  • enkers
    81 year ago

    Is lemmy just going to become reddit 2.0?

    No. Lemmy is federated so it’s not going to run into the same problem of unabashed capitalists trying to eke out every of cent of profit they can from the platform. It has built in protections against all the things that ruined reddit.

    Oh, you were talking about all the good points of reddit? Lol.

    • @MomoTimeToDieOP
      -71 year ago

      Lmao at least you’re honest enough to admit that reddit had a massive bias issue, even if you consider it a good thing

      • enkers
        71 year ago

        I’m not sure what you’re expecting. You joined a platform that is left leaning and expect what, everyone to self censor for your benefit? If you’re looking for a conservative safe space, you might want to try exploding-heads.

        • @MomoTimeToDieOP
          -111 year ago

          I wish I could expect the inverse of people like you - dishonest trolls who contribute nothing except brazen misrepresentations

          • enkers
            1 year ago

            Lmao at least you’re honest enough to

            people like you - dishonest trolls

            I’m getting whiplash here.

            Edit: I was sent scat porn after this exchange. Nice company you keep, there.

            • @MomoTimeToDieOP
              -41 year ago

              Lol not my fault the instance has a spam problem. Everyone here gets sent those scat messages. But how expected of you to just try and dishonestly pin everything you don’t like on me.

              • enkers
                51 year ago

                Yeah, you’re right, it’s surely just a coincidence.

                  • enkers
                    41 year ago

                    Loll, get over yourself. I never implicated you personally.

            • @MomoTimeToDieOP
              -111 year ago

              Yeah, that happens when you immediately pivot to being a dishonest sack of shit

              • enkers
                1 year ago

                Point to this dishonesty. I literally asked what you expected. I didn’t make a statement of fact. Is asking you poignant questions dishonest?

                You’re in a leftist platform complaining about left leaning bias. Do you expect that everyone should pretend to be a centrist for your convenience?

                • @MomoTimeToDieOP
                  -61 year ago

                  Point to this dishonesty. I literally asked what you expected. I didn’t make a statement of fact. Is asking you poignant questions dishonest?

                  I never claimed not indicated the left should censor themselves for me. That was entirely a lie you made up. I never said I was looking for a safe space. Yet another lie you made up. I’m not the one responsible for NSFW spam on the instance. Another lie you made up.