Zig vs Rust. Which one is going to be future?

I think about pros and cons and what to choose for the second (modern) language in addition to C.

@[email protected]

  • hector
    4 months ago

    Zig is a very elegant and consise language compared to Rust. It just feels like a beta:

    • no strings??!
    • dependencies are still CMake-style subprojects (not as cool as Rust opt-in build.rs though and complicated to use!)
    • no concurrency (Rust concurrency is terrible to work with IMO so let’s say they’re tied on this)

    Rust is a clear winner for now but Zig might very well might evolve into something incredible to use. There are lots of good ideas in Zig and many features I love!

    imagine it’s in the state of Rust before it broke into the mainstream