“How we respond to Russia’s illegal war of aggression against Ukraine tells the world who we are and the values we stand for,” Kaja Kallas has said in a letter to the European Parliament ahead of her confirmation hearing.

Kaja Kallas, the former primer minister of Estonia, has made her pitch to become the next foreign policy chief of the European Union by issuing stark warnings against Russia’s “imperialistic dream” and China’s “unfair competition”.


“My priority in engaging with China will be to safeguard the EU’s geopolitical and economic security,” Kallas tells MEPs.

“The most pressing challenges here are China’s support for Russia as well as structural imbalances between the EU and China that result from non-market policies and practices, which create unfair competition and an unlevel playing field.”

China has been accused of excessively subsidising its domestic industries, flooding the global markets with cheap products, passing discriminatory laws against foreign firms and stealing sensitive know-how.


Kallas believes an “assertive” joint response is indispensable to navigate the 21st century and ensure the EU is protected against “malign external influence.”


  • humblebun
    4 days ago

    How we respond to Russia’s illegal war of aggression against Ukraine

    Forbid everyone from trading with Russia, except your husband. That will certainly weaken mr Putin