Hey there, I’ve been using Bluestacks as my main android emulator for a while, but I disliked how bloated it is, especially that their cloud service app comes preinstalled.

Im wondering if there are other android emulators that are good to use. I’ve already heard about emulators such as:

I haven’t actually tried most of these myself yet since I don’t quite trust them. They are quite sketchy and heavily advertised

  • EnglishMobster
    11 year ago

    It’s really a shame it’s Wayland only. I always have issues with Wayland; if one Wayland app crashes it effectively brings down my entire machine.

    • @Sethayy
      31 year ago

      You can run a Wayland compositor under x I believe (heard Weston mentioned a lot)

      • Max-P
        11 year ago

        Gamescope probably works well for that too

    • Voyajer
      21 year ago

      There is Anbox that’s usable for Xorg but I don’t think it’s as performant.