Due to some unique circumstances I am currently looking for a keyboard or barebones kit that offers a non-wireless board that is also hotswap.

It seems though, that most wired only boards tend to also be solder boards, and I don’t have the equipment (or patience) to work with that.

Do you know if there’s any boards out there that offer this sort of combo?

  • Codilingus
    4 months ago

    Check out the gmk67, it’s a 10 keyless and no F buttons size, but is hotswappable with a typical switch plucker/puller. I think multiple “companies” make and sell it, but I found mine on alliexpress for like $35. It does USB, Bluetooth, or 2.4ghz with a USB dongle that stores in the back of it. I put in Akko Lavender switches in mine and absolutely love it. The base + switches + keycaps total only cost me about 75$ for a fantastic, quality feeling keyboard.