We hear about the freakouts, the verbal lashings, the accidents and many more.
But what are some small things, things that have little consequence but are still infuriating or that drive you up the wall?
Here are some examples of my own:

  1. People flocking to the metro doors without leaving proper space for people to leave.
  2. Hearing the same 3 questions at work every time.
  3. People walking slow enough to pass but not letting you.
  • Captain Aggravated
    3 months ago

    I want to find the man who put sound effects in Microsoft Minesweeper, whenever that happened? When it went from grey Windows 95 looking to the blue background and the smiley face disappeared. I want to find the guy who put those sound effects in the game, and I want to hand plane his scrotum off and then send him home with nothing holding his testicles on but his fruit of the looms.