Anyone out there?

  • litchralee
    4 months ago

    I’m fairly pleased with the direction the SacBee has been moving, with regards to their reporting of pedestrian and cyclist fatalities in the past two or three years. Their reporting on the Causeway expansion project and neighboring Placer County’s sales tax initiative to fund road construction aptly pointed out that “just one more lane” is only short-term relief (with studies showing the relief is gone in 5 years max) and long-term exacerbates car dependency.

    This is a refreshing perspective from a regional publication, and while it’s unclear if they did so in response to the road safety crisis, or if their efforts created the necessary awareness surrounding the deadly roads in the area, the result is beneficial for moving towards long-term solutions that balance road user interests.

    No one should be dying in the streets and roads of Sacramento, and it behooves the local and regional governments to attack the issue directly.