    4 months ago

    In my possession are two, what I’ll call “master” drives. Two 16TB hard drives, exact clones of each other. They hold the bulk media, old photos, an entire library of books, backups with full emulator and rom sets, games, movies, series, Wikipedia backups, encyclopedias, cookbooks, plant guides, carpentry, mechanics, howtos, compressed into the tiniest dots my processor can manage.

    Aside from being a backup for my personal files and configurations, It’s essentially an arc of knowledge for societal collapse, granted laser-focused around what I find important, but still, important to someone.

    My cousin, who I consider my brother, has a copy of this drive in a small, foam-padded pelican case in his closet. He keeps it for me just in case of a house fire, displacement, or any dangerous situation that renders any of the data at my actual home inaccessible.

    While the drives aren’t a perfect clone of my network’s configurations as-is, that backup runs locally, the drives are 80% of the content I serve and would get me 80% of the way back to complete if anything ever happened. They would individually be invaluable if anything ever happened here or I had a Donnie Darko situation, especially if it’s some authoritarian hellscape and the content isn’t even available anymore.

    Btw if you aren’t ramping up your data collection due to the Trump goings on, you better be. Download EVERYTHING.
