• @Quacksalber
    1 year ago

    Humans are bad at making judgement calls. They suck at weighting chances and risks evenly. So yes, in a discussion about plane crashes, it should be noted at least once, that traveling by plane is the safest mode of transportation.

    So that you, someone who might be afraid of flying, is not erroneously led to believe that they would be safer to not fly and instead travel by car, for example.

    To bring this analogy back around, the community provided resource served the purpose of educating vaccine-sceptic people about the risk of getting the vaccine compared to not getting the vaccine and getting diseased instead.

    The community provided resource did not detract or hamper informed discussion in any way, it merely served as context. Therefor deleting it can only be seen as petty.

    And as a side note, please don’t try to tell me that Musky Boy was actually interested in having an informed debate. That would be a laughable claim, given his childish temper.

    • @MomoTimeToDie
      -351 year ago

      They suck at weighting chances and risks evenly. So yes, in a discussion about plane crashes, it should be noted at least once, that traveling by plane is the safest mode of transportation.

      At least you’re consistent in your desire to bring up tangentially related topics,