• sanpedropeddler
    3 months ago

    Your argument is one you see very often among those that espouse the lost cause narrative.

    I will admit to misinterpreting a speech, but do not accuse me of that. Thinking Lincoln was not necessarily against slavery does not mean I am pro slavery.

    I was unaware Lincoln held such strong abolitionist beliefs, he isn’t lying that he was quiet about it for a long time. Rereading the quote, it does seem clear he is carefully trying to avoid mentioning his actual attitudes on the subject while negotiating with the south.

    I clearly haven’t done enough research into that part of Lincoln’s life. I apologize for acting like I have, that quote seemed very much like it was said by someone indifferent to slavery. And the initial use of abolitionism as a tool to help the north in the civil war lined up with that interpretation.