I, like many and hopefully some of y’all, stopped paying my student loans during Covid and never restarted paying because we’re supposed to have gotten relief from this debt that should’ve never existed in the first place. Now we have Trump coming back which kills the possibility of debt relief. So should I start repaying so I don’t get my wages garnished? Or do we think the government is going to be too inefficient to come after it?

Edit: At one point when I heard that it was the only way to get forgiveness, I moved all my debt from a third party to being a government loan. Does that change anything?

  • C126
    3 months ago

    I asked why they can’t afford it. My studant loans were very clear on the terms when I signed. I recall being forced to watch a video as part of the process. When you agree to do something, I believe you should follow through. That’s the foundation of society. Imagine how you’d feel if the situation was reversed: the lender didn’t follow through on giving you the money they agreed to give. Wouldn’t you think it was fraudulant?