I’m setting up an application using containers with ansible. I want to be able to set up the same application multiple times with a different set of variables. Is there a way how I could do this in parallel on a single host? I know I could deploy the same application n times on n different hosts, but what about n times on a single host? Is something like this possible? Doing it sequential obviously works, but it doesn’t scale well.

  • DasFaultier
    2 months ago

    Yes, you could setup multiple DNS aliases in your nameserver/router or in your /etc/hosts file that point to the same IP; DNS might round-robin through the IPs, but I’ve never tried this.

    EDIT: You’re right, the DNS aliases go in the Ansible inventory, no need for DNS round-robin. Short brainfart, sry. EDIT END.

    I have near-zero experience with k8s (apart from a little bit of Minikube, which I hated), so I can’t say anything about that option, but my impression is that it’s massive overkill for almost all use cases, aka “you’re not Google”.