• andrew_bidlaw
    1 month ago

    Free public transit and then a transition of car leasing businesses into public sector too so owning a car would be unnecessary and needed changes like switching to e-cars and building infrastructure goes smooth and according to general city planning. Regular commutes make people unequal in that it costs some people hours of life and a wad of cash to compete, and it’s possible to undo the latter and ease the first. It doesn’t sound like a non-issue if we consider districts sometimes getting inhabited by people sharing culture, religion etc, so having a shitty or expensive transport connection to that exact area basically means they have less opportunity to work\study\shop\whatever in the city center. 300 billions is what it’d likely cost to transit a couple of russian states to public transportation miracle as an experiment, this includes buyout of a leaser, renewing public fleet of vehicles, upping wages in that sphere so it becomes a place to compete for, compensating the lack of revenue (like it has some lol) and building a charging infrastructure with a sane distance between charging posts. Ah, and they buyout of private cars into that leasing to reduce the amount of them.

    One point to consider though is that this dream is kinda unneeded in the current climate because gvnmt tracking all your car rides is exactly what you wouldn’t like. Right now speedcams is a less optimal way they track everyone, and giving them an actual GPS data would trivialize surveiliance.