I don’t want to be some white collar stiff. I don’t want to work in a place with ties. I don’t want to be a tie guy. I don’t wear them to weddings, because that’s not me.

Nothing against tie people. It’s just not me.

  • jubilationtcornpone
    3 months ago

    Story time!

    Years ago I had a client who owned a big car dealership. Really good guy and a straight shooter. His son, who is roughly my age, was the GM.

    Anyway, I was wearing a suit and tie because I was on my way to a funeral but I had to stop by the dealership on the way. Stopped by the GM’s office to say “hi” really quick. He looks at me and get this concerned expression on his face before saying, “You didn’t let dad see you like that did you?”

    I told him I hadn’t seen his dad and asked why?

    He says, “You need to ditch the tie ASAP. He’s not going to like that at all. One time, a couple reps from [auto manufacturer] came by all suited up. They sat down in Dad’s office and without saying a word, he grabbed some scissors and lopped both of their neck ties off. He hates ties. Says it makes you look like you think you’re better than your customers.”

    Knowing his dad, I honestly believed the story. But, if I had any doubts they were eliminated some time later. I was leaving the dealership one day when two reps from [auto manufacturer] pulled into the parking lot, got out of the car, took off their jackets and ties and left them in the car before going in.