They are:

  1. Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez’s Locke and Key - 172 points (5 first place votes) [Locke and Key: Welcome to Lovecraft #1-6, Locke and Key:Head Games #1-6, Locke and Key:Crown of Shadows #1-6, Locke and Key: Keys to the Kingdom #1-6, Locke and Key:Clockworks #1-6, Locke and Key: Omega #1-5 and Locke and Key: Alpha #1-2 (plus the tie-in series, Locke and Key: Golden Age #1-3)]
  2. Mark Waid and Mike Wieringo’s Fantastic Four - 167 points (3 first place votes) [Fantastic Four Vol. 3 #60-70, Fantastic Four #500-524 (Wieringo as artist of 27 of the 36 issues)]
  3. Jason Aaron and R.M. Guera’s Scalped - 165 points (1 first place vote) [Scalped #1-60]
  4. Steve Ditko and Stan Lee’s Doctor Strange - 162 points (3 first place votes) [Strange Tales #110-111, 114-146]
  5. Chris Claremont and Dave Cockrum’s X-Men - 160 points (2 first place votes) [X-Men #94-107 (and I guess Uncanny X-Men #145-164)]


    3 months ago

    Scalped is a great and somewhat underrated series from Vertigo. Hard to find the entire series in collected editions last time I checked.