Tough week, car broke, rushed out on my bike to rescue her, after the repair, in a hurry forgot about the disc lock and to make it much worse I had moved the bike backwards so had a good run up and really crunched things. Had to really muscle the broken lock off, the only silver lining I suppose was that I had my good tools with me. Raided spare YZF for parts, so maybe in the new year it’ll be a pinky? Also (if anyone remembers) that H100 I’m rebuilding, ya, neutrals not where it’s supposed to be…

  • TerraRootOP
    3 months ago

    what’s worst is this my only ever “nice” bike i’ve wanted to keep, quiet literally everything else has had either duck tape or household magnolia brush painted rolling wrecks. I think we have the selector drum in 180 degrees out, gotta split it again and find out why it won’t shift gears now, but would before we closed it up.

      3 months ago

      If I can offer any advice, it may help to shift the bike’s gears up and down while also spinning the output shaft by hand, do that a few times before you torque wrench the cases together. That’s saved my bacon every time there was a misalignment.

      Good luck, sorry about the fairing.