Main ones I can think of:

  1. Be attractive. If unattractive, at least be disabled in some way.
  2. Dress as skimpily as possible. Show legs at all time if female.
  3. Forget dancing, just throw your partner around. Get your face to her crotch at any opportune moment.
  4. Make really inappropriate comments to each other during the talking phase. Really sell the idea you’re having an affair on live camera.
  5. Choose the shittiest pop songs you can find. Make sure it’s not the original, but some shitty mock-soul cover.
  6. If a presenter, give off the impression of fighting a sickly illness. Anorexia is desired if possible.

Any other rules I’m missing?

  • shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
    2 months ago

    That’s sweet, keep it up. Also, that’s how I got sucked into enjoying an entire series, so you never know!