• Draconic NEO
    3 months ago

    Legalism mentality is cringe, we need solutions that work against criminals who don’t care. When people push for legalist solutions it shows they have no real understanding of how the world actually works and just want to complain about what people should and shouldn’t do.

    Shoulds are irrelevant in this world, people do what they want, even if it is illegal, in the digital world where there are way less clues left behind of illegal activity we need solutions that actually do something, like actually blocking those trackers, or feeding false fingerprint data that changes everytime or is exactly the same as other browsers. Not expecting the providers to follow the law, they believe they are above the law until they get caught, then they’ll act apologetic and start doing it again.

    Your assumption is based on the idea that these people are not criminals, which is wrong.

      • Draconic NEO
        3 months ago

        Feel free to go to some shithole in the middle East or Africa where there is no rule of law and see how that works out for you.

        Even you know that comparing digital cyber-crime and white-collar criminals to that is a horrible comparison, like comparing apples to oranges, but you weren’t hoping to have a reasonable discussion, you were hoping I wouldn’t notice this flaw in your logic and that it would simply shut me up. I know you and your type very well.

        They are not criminals until they actually break laws. Yes. That’s how rule of law works. That’s why there need to be laws that regulate them. Welcome to the real world.

        You think they’re not breaking laws already? You think these big tech white-collar businessmen aren’t already white collar criminals engaged in multiple types of crimes? You must be either very naive or just in-denial about it because they almost certainly are, and most act compliant and apologetic only after they get caught. Therefore a system that relies on them complying and not tracking you before they’ve been caught violating it, will not work. It’s exactly what they want because the other option, the better one interrupts their tracking regardless of whether they want to comply or not.

          • Draconic NEO
            3 months ago

            Oh yeah? What type would that be? Someone who’s standing up to fascists and terrorist simps?

            Average political troll like @[email protected] (banned now). I mean you were literally banned for calling leftists radicalized terrorists, just like linkerbaan was banned for similar bad faith name-calling and accusations. Modlogs, they’re a very nice thing on Lemmy, even if you don’t have them on mbin.

            Oh and before you start crying about being abused by mods and admins, I haven’t been banned from instances or communities for hate speech or aggression, mods don’t regularly tell me to stop doing that because it’s against the rules. I don’t have a modlog filled with aggressive comments calling people names or making repeated bad faith accusations that don’t hold any merit. If you don’t realize how the problem is with you and your behavior you’ll probably continue to be banned and have comments removed, adding to your reputation.

            You’re derailing, it’s not about whether they commit ANY crimes.

            It’s about whether they would, and they would and do which is why I called them criminals, and if we’re discussing the topic of DNT why’d you stop there? You realize that what I said about it is completely true.

            Therefore a system that relies on them complying and not tracking you before they’ve been caught violating it, will not work. It’s exactly what they want because the other option, the better one interrupts their tracking regardless of whether they want to comply or not.

            That a system which does not enforce their own compliance won’t work, and that they’ll love it because they can not comply and if they don’t get caught nothing will happen. It’s a system that does not work with the average big tech white-collar criminals who think they are above the law and only start giving a fuck after they get caught.

            Whereas actually blocking their trackers (and advertisements in extreme mode) and feeding them false fingerprinting data does solve the tracking problem, better than asking them and assuming their compliance ever could.

              • Draconic NEO
                3 months ago

                I see you aren’t too bright then, considering I had this dumbass Nazi troll tagged even before switching instances. Maybe learn some nuance, something this platform could really use.

                That doesn’t mean you and him don’t share common behavior patterns, especially when it comes to the trolling and the abusive behavior. Something you’ve definitely shown a lot of if that and your previous modlog is any indication.

                Except that I did not do that. lmao I simply called out calls for literal murder & mob rule by the same people who are also Hamas apologists. But thanks for notifying me of even more mod abuse. db0 already tried to frame me earlier by completely twisting the words around, which I later called him out for, which I guess he took personally. This platform simply hates people who are speaking out against all the Tankies & terrorist simps on here, or saying “outrageous” things, like that murdering people you don’t like is bad. How dare me!

                Yeah I trust db0 a hell of a lot more than I trust the likes of you, but I can still verify what you’ve said, and yeah. 100% justified. I’m surprised he didn’t ban you permanently for such blatantly bad faith behavior.

                That’s because you’re on the same of the extremist spectrum as the mods. Same reason why certain subreddits kept all the Nazi shit alive without banning users - except for those speaking out against it. And yes, that was also me. Funny, isn’t it? Somehow I get banned by both the Nazis and the Tankies. I guess if that makes me the problem, then I like being the problem, because I don’t like either.

                “Everyone against me is a Terrorist Extremist!!!1!!!1!11” You unironically. Probably what you think of everyone who isn’t screaming accusations at people and calling them names. The funny part is that it is behavior like that which makes a person look like an extremist.

                I’m not gonna be nice to all the extremists on here, sorry but not sorry. We’re globally past that point with where you all brought us now. Why would I pretend to be civil towards people who support genocide and murder? Who make excuses for terrorists and killers? Just because a large portion of Lemmy has lost their collective mind, does not mean that I’m going to join that bullshit mindset like some Lemming.

                You are expected to maintain basic civility regardless, and you are also expected not to make random unmerited accusations towards others. When one sees that it’s against the rules and goes “fuck it, I’m going to do it anyway” it’s natural they get banned for it. Expect to keep getting banned for it, and since modlogs are public on Lemmy, and most users are here on Lemmy, expect them to judge you for your past infractions.

                Funny, your rep is at 161, despite having a much older account. Mine is at almost 25k.

                Great, I don’t care about user score, just like I don’t care about Karma on Reddit, it’s useless.

                It’s obvious you were deflecting because even you can’t be that daft to think that I meant user score when I said reputation. See what I actually meant by it was how people think of you as a person, and from the people I’ve been talking to (users, mods, and admins), yours isn’t so great. Long history of trolling and hostility towards others. I think you knew exactly what I meant though when you said reputation and just wanted to try and flex hoping to make me feel bad or inferior. That shit doesn’t work on me.

                Jfc… If they would, they’d get fined, or worse if they end up being repeated offenders and depending on what they did. The world would be a lot worse if they did not care about laws, which is why you see such strong lobbying against it, and why other countries, like the US, are so much worse. Your argument is about as bad as the “both parties are the same and nothing changes” comments from the mentioned extremists here, which are just more lies.

                FInally back on topic.

                Okay let’s break this down.

                Jfc… If they would, they’d get fined, or worse if they end up being repeated offenders and depending on what they did.

                Yes they would indeed. When and if they get caught, that could take a long time if what they’re doing is simply tracking people sending DNT requests, requires them being found out by someone, and requires that person reporting it, them being investigated to find out if they’re actually doing it, and it requires that the investigation find that they were doing it and actually hold them accountable for real.

                The world would be a lot worse if they did not care about laws

                Do you and I not live in the same world because the world I know has a large number of known white-collar criminals who stole money, or violated laws secretly to avoid spending more money and increase profits because they didn’t think they’d get caught doing it.

                which is why you see such strong lobbying against it, and why other countries, like the US, are so much worse.

                Of course they fucking would, do you know what’s better than a slim chance of being caught? No chance of being caught, because it wouldn’t be illegal. Just because they aren’t going to follow the laws in the name of profit doesn’t mean they don’t seek to change the laws for their own interest.