• @pedantichedgehog
    1711 months ago

    I was homeschooled. Never went to public school. And my parents were christians, so naturally they bought christian apologetic textbooks.

    One science (biology I think, high school level) textbook had most of a chapter discussing why the “theory of evolution” was “wrong”. Another book from the same publisher discussed at length why global warming (and the ozone-thinning effect of certain chemicals) was untrue.

    My chemistry professor in college, wonderful man that he was, was the first person to explain divergent and convergent evolution to me.

    • Quit_this_instance
      411 months ago

      I was homeschooled for a year and a half, but my provincial education system had a public homeschool branch so I was just following the curriculum. It was wild learning about what most people think of when they hear “homeschooled”

    • @[email protected]
      211 months ago

      Wow. How did you take that? Did you have previous exposure to other sources of knowledge or did that happen before the internet ages?