This is going to be fun watching over the next four years. LOL. You just gotta laugh.

  • mindbleach
    3 months ago

    Redditor /u/RanchMeBrotendo:

    This is the weird thing about the 'both sides are the same ’ thing. They have been trained to believe that for every fact there’s a contra-fact. The sky is blue? You’re being conned by people who want to control what you believe, so it’s actually red. We have photographic evidence and every type of scientific imaging confirming the sky is blue? The really smart people understand that homogeneity of thought means you’re missing the truth hidden by other media sources, sky just got ten shades redder.

    They no longer understand how ideas are constructed. They believe that ideas that contradict the established truth that are clearly pulled out of their asses as a reaction to truth should be considered alongside the truth as an equally possible theory. When those ideas are dismissed by other outlets out of hand because of their clear lack of foundation, they take that as proof of bias and steel themselves against reality even further. This isn’t new behavior. Fox is just realizing how little factual basis is required by their viewership and they’re floating these contra-facts faster and looser.