I’m looking for a BIFL (or at least last me for a while) music player that can play .wav files, has a lot of storage, is portable, and the parts are able to be replaced/upgraded. I’ve heard about using iPod classics but it seems like they’re unable to play .wav files. Any reccomendations?

  • Srootus
    2 months ago

    Ive owned 2 Hiby devices, and bought one for my Mother for a Christmas gift. Honestly its such a niche piece of tech that there’s not really a pro repair company making DAPs, I think IBasso make DAPs with somewhat removable batteries but they charge a pretty penny, maybe hold out till post 2027 to see if some companies conform to EU regulations with user serviceable batteries.

    Alas, HIBY are my favourite go to, the R4 is a value king around 250 and my personal DAP currently, the R3 ii is also a good choice at 150/175. But if thats too much, they do cheaper models at 90-ish for the R1.