They found more pipe bombs in a bedroom inside Mr. Spafford’s house, loosely stuffed in a backpack that bore a patch shaped like a hand grenade and a logo reading “#NoLivesMatter,” prosecutors said.

No Lives Matter is a nihilistic, far-right ideology that largely exists on encrypted online messaging apps like Telegram

  • Kite
    2 months ago

    The way the guy talked, he seemed to imply he knew about a lot of other people involved in that movement. Perhaps the FBI was just really making sure all of their i’s were dotted and t’s were crossed so nothing goes wrong with bringing him in and getting him to divulge a lot of information. Or… the guy has already blown off half of a hand making his explosives. Maybe the FBI was waiting in the hopes he’d blow the rest of himself to kingdom come and they wouldn’t have to deal with him lol.