Been through this before, so I know it gets better eventually, but what do you folks generally do to optimize beddy-bye time? To the insomniacs, what are some things you do in the wee hours/early morning for a relaxing start to your day?

This morning’s choice is checking out the music of Casiopea - saw them mentioned in a meme here recently, then later on saw one of my favourite gig spaces has a great local fusion jazz band doing a show covering them at the end of the month. Very chill, feels like menu music of a mid-90s Japanese 3D game in a very good way, lol. Funny how these things happen sometimes, kinda like seeing the car model you just bought everywhere on the road shortly after purchase.

  • Cracks_InTheWallsOP
    2 months ago

    And for the Canadians in the room, same here!

    Now, there’s gonna be holds on the really good stuff* from past experience, but regardless it’s an awesome service.

    *Off topic story: I used to work a job that would have unexpected, lengthy periods of downtime. There was one of these periods where I’d browse the new acquisitions in my local library system. There was a book with photos of goats that had 68 holds on it. Literally, it was just a goat photography book.

    To this day, I am intensely curious about who these 68 people were, and why they didn’t just get their pictures of goats from the internet like us normal people.

      2 months ago

      I wish there was some way to dig into this mysterious goat photo collection’s popularity! Do you remember the title?

      I almost info dumped in my post but didn’t so now you’ve given me the opportunity to share my additional libby tips for people who aren’t familiar:

      • Put holds on popular titles you want to read so that you’ll be in line for them and will have a rotating door of available titles. You can choose to ‘deliver later’ to let the next person in line read it before you without going to the back of the line.
      • Some library systems have a larger selection than others and even within the same system some allow more holds than others (this is the case in NYC at least) so it’s worth picking up a card wherever you’re eligible including university libraries.
      • If your library system is underfunded and you have family in an area more well funded, they likely have a broader selection. Perhaps a family member who isn’t digitally inclined might let you use their library card #. [Caveat that they will have access to your history via their library record].
      • Cracks_InTheWallsOP
        2 months ago

        Lol, found it - Beautiful Goats: Portraits of Classic Breeds by Felicity Stockwell. My prevailing theory is that there’s a group of folks in my city who just put holds on everything and pass on the titles they don’t actually want.

        Good tips!

          2 months ago

          Ohh good sleuthing. My library doesn’t have it:( Are there any holds on it now?

          I’m racking my brain for another theory because I don’t understand reserving a book you don’t want, but I’m coming up blank!

          • Cracks_InTheWallsOP
            2 months ago

            No holds, 2/5 star user rating on my library’s catalogue site, lol.

            You can see how I came to this conclusion - haven’t the foggiest otherwise.