This highlights part of the problem of how expensive it is to be poor. When youre living paycheck to paycheck, the thought of buying anything in bulk can be so daunting. Sure, you can get a months worth of food at Costco for $100, but when there’s $50 left in your bank account, $30 at the dollar store will get you through until the next paycheck, then the cycle repeats…
This highlights part of the problem of how expensive it is to be poor. When youre living paycheck to paycheck, the thought of buying anything in bulk can be so daunting. Sure, you can get a months worth of food at Costco for $100, but when there’s $50 left in your bank account, $30 at the dollar store will get you through until the next paycheck, then the cycle repeats…
and we’re right back to the Vimes’ Boots Theory