tl;dr: “Fuck You, we’re right, but here’s a crumb from the table” but in PR-speak.

There’ll be a Lan-Mode (still requiring Bambu Connect), and a Dev-Mode (which will continue MQTT, live steam and FTP).

The Writing continues to be on the wall.

  • Steamymoomilk
    2 months ago

    This just pisses me off! Are they aware we can read?

    Supposed lies people told

    “Firmware updates will block your printer’s ability to print.”

    Which they then contradict themselfs and tried to cover it up. “Please be aware with this new version of firmware, print jobs may be blocked when using LAN mode. this is for security”

    “Partners can maintain or downgrade their firmware versions until technical updates are fully implemented.”

    There was never an option to downgrade, they changed the webiste to say it can be downgraded. When i know yesterday it said it wasnt eversible which was covered by many news outlets.

    “All future Bambu Lab printer models will integrate authorization control technology as standard to ensure the highest levels of user security and printer protection moving forward. We acknowledge that these changes may introduce additional effort and workload. However, through our joint efforts and cooperation, we believe we can improve the security, quality, and user experience of Bambu Lab’s 3D printing products and services.”

    “This is beta testing, not a forced update. The choice is yours. You can participate in the beta program to help us refine these features, or continue using your current firmware.”

    Its optional in the same way of you dont need to eat today! You can just go without eating, its totally optional nobody is saying you half to eat! It OPTIONAL. What the fuck are they smoking, it never says “beta channel” Own up to your mistakes