Anti-Gulf War D.C. Protests (1991)

Sat Jan 26, 1991


On this day in 1991, between 75,000 - 250,000 placard-wielding students, veterans, farmers, and feminists marched past the White House in protest of the Gulf War initiated by President George Bush. The march stretched over a mile long, sweeping down Pennsylvania Avenue.

Chants included “Hey, Hey, Uncle Sam, we remember Vietnam” and “No blood for oil!”. Representative Rangel (D-NY) was the only member of Congress among the speakers there, saying “We have no right to have a Clint Eastwood foreign policy”.

  • wildbus8979
    3 days ago

    You’re forgetting to ask the question, why was Iraq having a beef with Kuwait. If the US’s motives were so pure why did they and the Saudis have to lie to Congress about dead babies in incubators exactly?

    I highly recommend the DW documentary Iraq: Destruction of a Nation