The World’s Largest Wind Turbine Has Been Switched On::It’s turbo time.

  • @darth_helmet
    611 months ago

    Feasibility aside, it’d be a lot more practical to get cracking on that Dyson swarm. Photovoltaics are a much more efficient way to capture solar energy, or even direct solar thermal (ie mirrors and steam turbines)

    • Troy
      -611 months ago

      Dyson swarm is great, but only if it isn’t beaming power back to the earth. If it’s beaming back energy to earth, we’re effectively pointing mirrors at the earth so it captures more energy from the sun. That’s sort of the opposite of what we’re trying to achieve.

      • @Meowoem
        011 months ago

        But if we’ve got a Dyson swarm then we’ve got the power needed to do really intense weather modification, we could build a big facility in the south pole to refreeze it and beam the excess heat to Mars or one of the more distant space bases