It can be fixed. We started this place with owning people and you only vote with a white penis. I’m worried that we’ll give the next generation less than what I or my parents had.
I have two kids in college now. Helping them grow up has been a fantastic experience and totally changed the way I look at the world. I definitely grew more hopeful, more progressive, more optimistic about the long term prospects of the world they would inherit.
Trumps first term was quite a shock, especially discovering there were so many toxic people seeming to want to wreck all of our future. And somehow it happened again?
One of my kids is “non-traditional “, now they’re talking about being afraid to travel in most of the US. How did all that “Hope and Change” come crashing down so fast?
Sundown Towns. Ugly Laws. Banana Republics. I’m sure if you asked any minority group, they’d show you a very different America.
There are two versions of the US: the one sold to immigrants on the Statue of Liberty, and the one that’s really there. White folk were just privileged enough with such a system that we never saw it, or if we did we looked the other way.
Maybe, but there’s clearly a huge difference among regions/states/cities, and we always have the hope of everyone acting like the best places rather than the worst
It can be fixed. We started this place with owning people and you only vote with a white penis. I’m worried that we’ll give the next generation less than what I or my parents had.
I have two kids in college now. Helping them grow up has been a fantastic experience and totally changed the way I look at the world. I definitely grew more hopeful, more progressive, more optimistic about the long term prospects of the world they would inherit.
Trumps first term was quite a shock, especially discovering there were so many toxic people seeming to want to wreck all of our future. And somehow it happened again?
One of my kids is “non-traditional “, now they’re talking about being afraid to travel in most of the US. How did all that “Hope and Change” come crashing down so fast?
Was it ever there?
Sundown Towns. Ugly Laws. Banana Republics. I’m sure if you asked any minority group, they’d show you a very different America.
There are two versions of the US: the one sold to immigrants on the Statue of Liberty, and the one that’s really there. White folk were just privileged enough with such a system that we never saw it, or if we did we looked the other way.
Maybe, but there’s clearly a huge difference among regions/states/cities, and we always have the hope of everyone acting like the best places rather than the worst