A new study on Gen Z men revealed that Andrew Tate and Jordan Peterson are among the most trusted influencers.

It also found that 52% of UK men believe a “strongman” leader is needed to improve the country. Meanwhile, this article highlights how the right has been incredibly successful at indoctrinating young men into their ideology.

Why the hell is right-wing content so much more effective at gaining support? And why do left-wing influencers consistently fail to do the same? I’ll tell you why: we decided that social issues should take precedence over everything else, and by so doing have thrown all nuance out the window in the process.

The left—and I don’t want to hear Marxists bitching about how progressives “aren’t really leftists” because this kind of in-fighting is part of the fucking problem—needs to radically rethink its approach. Right now, the priority isn’t pushing our agenda. It’s stopping the worldwide fascist takeover.

And yes, this might mean abandoning identity politics entirely, as it is largely responsible for driving people away from the left and toward right-wing populism.

We need left-wing influencers who can effectively use populist tactics. We need less extremism from the progressive left, because in our obsession with social issues, we’ve lost the plot. We need to refocus on the economic needs of the people and stop alienating those who would otherwise support us.

The clock is ticking. Germany’s elections are coming up, and Elon Musk has already shown support for the AfD—the most far-right party in Europe. If we don’t correct course now, we’ll soon be living in a world where fascism dominates and equality is a pipe-dream.

  • hector
    1 month ago

    I’m pretty young man from France. I like leftist ideas and ideals, but it seems that leftists are searching how to do the right thing instead of doing something.

    I think leftists ideas have been vastly successful in France with public transport, welfare state. However I’m at loss as to how to keep it sustainable while retaining the same reach as today.

    I have two examples of annoying stuff the French leftist say:

    • They want to tax the rich but fail to see that we need to reform our welfare state, streamline it to make it less complex for citizen to use and the government to maintain (financially and on the administrative side). We can tax the rich but have to use this money right…

    • They are against nuclear energy while it drives down cost for everyone and is in retrospective quite carbon-neutral… If we innovate in this direction like we used it might just be part of the solution to solve the energy crisis

    • Moreover, they insist on respecting Europe’s policy that index the price of electricity on gas which drives price higher for everyone and doesn’t help France. [[Citation needed tbh]]

    They have ideals, but don’t think to much about how the means. If I’m being honest it’s the same with the right in France, they have their own agenda but conveniently avoid saying how they will solve the “immigration crisis”, “loss of culture” & “barbarization of society”…

    I mean, both party are saying lots of bullshit but I guess I resonate more with the leftist ideas because I don’t like old rich white dudes ruling the world with old ideas.

    I can understand why people are voting for the right tho seeing the decade of terrorist attacks on the country Islamist extremists: while I was in high school, a terrorist attack killed a philosophy teacher in my city (was scary) & the year before a history teacher’s head was cut off near Paris. Recently was the commemoration of Charlie Hebdo 2015 attacks…

    I can understand the anxiety and the rage because I felt it after those events, but I can distinguish between islamist terrorists and normal people…

    I also can understand that consent for fascist is easy to manufacture given what my country has gone through in recent years.

    Pretty difficult times :(