Asteroid samples fetched by NASA hold not only the pristine building blocks for life but also the salty remains of an ancient water world, scientists reported Wednesday.

The findings provide the strongest evidence yet that asteroids may have planted the seeds of life on Earth and that these ingredients were mingling with water almost right from the start.

  • BrundleFly2077
    1 month ago

    1/ Fren, the Drake equation was never set out to make predictions. It was to promote discussion and exploration of the topic. It’s never pretended to be what you’re saying it’s not.

    2/ Anyway, a model can still be exceedingly useful without making precise predictions. Fuck, Evolutionary Biology doesn’t predict exact outcomes but it does organize our understanding. Drake Equation’s just for framing the search for ETI.

    3/ Precision isn’t validity, dude. Heuristic tools aren’t deterministic formula. The thing you’re asking for is impossible and I’d love for you to take that high-falutin’ Vulcan logic of yours and propose a better alternative.
