The most significant one is Dad-bod Thoth, as I managed to track down the other eight images in that booklet, sourced to BDT. (check it out, Druillet fans!) The other reconstructed posts are my reviews of Alas and Esther Verkest, and I must admit, I enjoyed hosting the image content on Reddit itself. (thanks, spez 😊)


Oh yeah, and as for my question to y’all, let me explain:

On my end, I’m not a huge fan of republishing fixed-up posts, as it 1) adds to the overall post bloat (Lemmy doesn’t allow me to completely delete anything), but also 2) because it can break cross-links in some cases.

OTOH, the greater point is for this stuff to be seen and enjoyed, and with a relatively innocuous update like this, I would guess that many readers doing quick scroll-throughs would miss the good content, assuming they hadn’t seen it before. Then again, maybe I’m wrong about that…

Any opinions?

  • rotkehlchen
    1 month ago

    Thank you for this post. I find it good an necessary.