• iAmTheTot
    1 month ago

    More than laughing. I’ve seen a lot of anti American sentiment in the past few days. Some businesses preemptively and actively taking US products off the shelves, notably liquor and wine. Some Canadians are still saying they aren’t interested in US products or services after this even with the pause. Can’t let a bully take an inch. Canadians feel extremely betrayed.

    • PancakesCantKillMe@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      Yes, rightfully so. But trump and his right-wing propaganda outlets will overtly call it a win for the president. Thus confirming his strength to all his supporters of his mastery at negotiating the deal. Meanwhile there are 38 more crisis aflame and he’s handling it all swiftly and efficiently (illegally). His fans are only too happy to have all that pesky red tape (rule of law) out of the way. Later when these (self-inflicted and grossly mishandled) issues make life far more difficult for them and everyone, they’ll eagerly (and perhaps violently) blame those damn Democrats. These people know fuck-all about politics, trade or social issues and are led around by their fear/hatred which means they are quite easy to manipulate/motivate.
