Something big is happening, as Reddit seems to have purged literally every NSFW sub they know. Reason is always “unmoderated” despite some of the banned subreddits being fully moderated.

Edit: seems to have been a bug in automation (thanks @[email protected]):

It’s still a good reminder on how quickly a community (or communities) thousands of people enjoy and in some cases rely upon can disappear.

  • Cracks_InTheWalls
    1 month ago

    Erowid is still good, though I wish there was a little more info about current operations and projects outside of maintaining the experience report database. As far as I can tell, both Erowid Monthly and Erowid Extracts are dead, Ask Erowid is dead, DrugsData is not currently receiving samples, etc.

    There’s reason to play some stuff close to the chest, obviously, but there used to be more activity than just the experience database, and it’s sad to see the other functions languish. But as a repository of drug information it’s still pretty great.

    A newer good harm reduction/info site is, which also has a trip sit via chat service. Can’t speak to the quality of the chat service, over something like the Fireside Project which has been around for a while now, but the infosheets on tripsit are pretty good.

    Edit: Ugh, going through the other Erowid sections again…beginning to think I need to step up and see if they want more volunteers. Lots of dead links where Wayback can probably help a ton, the Character vault can probably be expanded quite a bit, etc. But this all might just be the focus moving on a bit. I just wanted to see Ralph Metzner’s blog, since you hear so much about Tim Leary and Ram Dass but Metzner was right there with 'em.