Middle of night woke up just to write this somewhere. Sorry is words are bad.

Game that’s 2 player.

Player one is in a 3rd person fully emersive 3D city. This is a PC game. Player one is always host. The objective is just to make it to the other end of the city. No guns or anything. The city is being destroyed by a mysterious force. Plans are crashing building being leveled you just need to make it to safety without being crushed. It’s night, theres fire and screaming, explosions all around scary stuff.

Player 2 is playing on a tablet or touch screen device. They are playing a cute game where all you need to do is tap the dot. The dot moves slowly from one end of the screen to the other hiding under colorful pipes and squares. You can also tap butterflies and things the dot might hide under to remove them. There is a lot of positive happy noises.

The dot is player one. The real catch. Player 2 is a cat.

  • Kernal64
    2 months ago

    Just an FYI, the yellow marble thing is a relatively recent revision to the game. When I was a kid, the game came with real marbles and they were all white. At some point, they replaced the marbles with plastic balls of the same size, mostly red, but with one yellow. I got the game for my nephew, and that’s how I found out. Also, the rules say you can play either way: most marbles wins or yellow marble wins.