The series depicts a conflict between Skibidi Toilets—singing human-headed toilets—and humanoids with CCTV cameras, speakers, and televisions in place of their heads. The Skibidi Toilets, led by G-Toilet, overtake humanity. Warfare soon develops between the toilets and the alliance of Cameramen, Speakermen, and TV-men. The Titan Cameraman and Titan Speakerman, strongest of their respective races, begin to turn the tide of war. But Scientist Toilet, the Skibidi Toilets’ second-in-command and R&D chief, develops a mind control parasite that overtakes Titan Speakerman, causing him to turn on the alliance and cause mass carnage in their ranks. With the aid of Titan TV-man, Titan Speakerman is cured, and, as the fighting continues to escalate in a constant arms race, an alliance force strikes at the toilets’ secret underground facility, killing Scientist Toilet. The force’s sole survivor, Plungerman, learns that the facility and the enigmatic and omnipresent Secret Agent were somehow involved in the toilets’ creation, but the Secret Agent kills him to protect the secret.

Concurrently, relations sour between the Skibidi Toilets and the Astro Toilets, a race of powerful extraterrestrial toilets that formerly counted G-Toilet among their ranks, and the Astro Toilets invade Earth. Their power is such that neither the alliance nor the Skibidi Toilets can stand against them alone, and they enter into a makeshift partnership against their common enemy. The Earth’s surface is ravaged in the ensuing battles, and the alliance’s subterranean main base is eventually compromised along with Titan TV-man, whose mind is taken over by the Astro Toilets and their field commander, the Astro Duchess. With their base destroyed, their strongest soldier turned against them, and innumerable casualties, the alliance enters into a tactical retreat with just one remaining asset, a powerful Astro Toilet weapon they hope to reverse-engineer to turn the tide of battle.

  • merde alorsOPM
    1 个月前

    Yes. Yes of course there is a Wikipedia entry for skibidi toilet. Thanks I hate it.

    you’re welcome, i too hate it.