The attorneys general of Massachusetts, Illinois and Michigan are co-leading the lawsuit. Also signing on are the attorney generals of Arizona, California, Connecticut, Colorado, Delaware, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington and Wisconsin.

Plaintiff States’ Ex Parte Emergency Motion For Temporary Restraining Order [Dkt. 4] is GRANTED. Defendants and their officers, employees, servants, agents, appointees, and successors are hereby enjoined from taking any steps to implement, apply, or enforce the Rate Change Notice (NOT-OD-25- 068) within Plaintiff States until further order is issued by this Court.

Notably though, this likely means that the block is only granted in the 22 blue states that sued.

  • Corkyskog
    1 month ago

    Yeah sure, they are trying to come up with like 3-4 trillion in savings to pay for the extension and increase of corporate tax cuts that expires this year.

    Obviously there isn’t 4 trillion of discretionary spending to cut, so the other half of the equation is paying for the rest in tariffs. If you tariff everything coming in at 25% that’s a trillion in tax revenue right there.

    There is no appetite in congress to raise the debt for the cuts, so they need to find the money somehow.