Comrade here forgetting that not only do sharks predate dinosaurs, but - unlike birds - have hardly changed.
Orcas are still kings of the oceans, and it seems they’ve finally decided they’ve had enough of our shenanigans, so maybe we should be more worried about them that either of the others.
We jumped off buoys and navigation markers as a kid.
Sure it was water below but under the water … the supports and ladders of the buoys, mangled barnacle mess.
And the ospreys.
Goddamn did an angry osprey make jumping off the buoy that much more exciting, a little bit of “and maybe we’ll get attacked by a raptor” excitement….
Comrade here jumping into an ocean full of sharks and is worried about being attacked by birds…
Veeeeery few sharks in the bay I was jumping into.
Osprey on the other hand will actively rip your face off for getting too close to their nest.
Very few sharks implies some sharks which are way too many for this guy.
I don’t fuck with apex predators.
Comrade over here forgetting that birds descended from dinosaurs.
Comrade here forgetting that not only do sharks predate dinosaurs, but - unlike birds - have hardly changed.
Orcas are still kings of the oceans, and it seems they’ve finally decided they’ve had enough of our shenanigans, so maybe we should be more worried about them that either of the others.
I too was a bay child. We’d use the barnacle covered chains holding the buoys in their place to pull ourselves down to the bottom for whatever reason
I have a scar on my left leg from where I slipped on the ladder abd sliced my calf open on barnacles.
It bled till it didn’t. And I survived.
I’m pretty sure I’d die of some terrible infection if it had happened today.